Oyster shack
in Noirmoutier

La cabane d'Adrien

In the heart of the Noirmoutier marshes…
La Cabane d’Adrien is situated in the heart of the Ile de Noirmoutier at La Guérinière. Come and discover this atypical and purely authentic place in an idyllic setting, encircled by marshes. Convivial, carefully decorated and designed for your comfort, you’ll be able to taste our oysters and shellfish right out of the water before your very eyes.

A family tradition After a long career in international fishing and aquaculture, René ADRIEN returned to his native island to develop an oyster-farming business.

An island in the middle of a fragile ocean Originally from the Ile de Noirmoutier, the ADRIEN family has been involved in fishing and aquaculture for several generations. A forerunner in many fields, the family is deeply attached to its island and its economic and social development, and has also acquired international experience in Africa and South America, enabling it to rub shoulders with and understand other maritime environments. Aware of the fragility of our oceans, of the delicate balance between economic and social development and the protection of the natural environment, the family has always sought to find the best compromise to ensure lasting harmony.